References:  Prof. univ. dr. Ioan Scurtu
           Publisher Little Wallachia, launched in 2001, quickly imposed cultural and     scientific life of Romania, through its program, based on the printing of valuable     papers, the researchers made known through their work and studies of young,     eager to assert themselves.
           Special attention was paid to modern and contemporary history and culture,     both by deepening the least discussed topics before 1989, and by publishing     works of synthesis, with a wide addressability.
           Cite, by way of example, books on political activity by Take Ionescu, intellectual     elite interwar relationship history - society, the balance of forces in Europe     (1919-1939), Treaty of rural sociology, having authored by Anastasie Iordache,     Dan Dungaciu, Stela Cheptea, Gh. Buzatu, Ilie Badescu.
           In my role as "consumer history", printed books have received the Publisher     Mica Valahie and I am convinced that this institution will promote the same quality     standard, noted that from its inception.

                                                                                                     Prof. univ. dr. Ioan SCURTU
                               Chairman of the Department of History of the Academy of Scientists

Essence of the book

With each book Published by Mica Valahie, we want to fix in people's consciousness and spirituality items that give strength and continuity, to us, as a nation.