"Mica Valahie - a publisher of high attitude"

Ilie Badescu

"The way in which a man accepts his fate is more important than his own destiny"

Wilhelm von Humboldt

"Because we do not look at things that are seen, but to those which do not see; because things that are seen are ephemeral, while those which are not seen are eternal"

Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 4, 18)
"I dare to say to the world that from all the people around us which have an ancient origin, only the Romanians are those who preserve customs and laws more similar to the founders"

d'Hauterive, XVIII Century
Latest releases
Crisis and taxation
Case Study: Romania
English for
social sciences
I am who I am

Essence of the book

With each book Published by Mica Valahie, we want to fix in people's consciousness and spirituality items that give strength and continuity, to us, as a nation.